Pe Lang & Zimoun Are Redefining Electronic Music

I saw this and was totally blown away. Pe Lang and Zimoun are a rare breed in that they’re capturing an incredibly polished and stylized aesthetic while simultaneously creating some amazingly sophisticated sound designing mechanics. Just so cool and so beautifully presented. I encourage you to spend some time listening and observing this installation. The work that went into this is awe inspiring.



I discovered sound and art installation artist’s Pe Lang and Zimoun’s “Untitled Sound Objects” series at the Today & Tomorrow Blog. They create sound textures using machinery driven objects, most performing a simple task or motion. I started watching the videos and was mesmerized, they play like it could be a new ambient/noise composition and they’re all beautifully and minimally designed installations. The rotors twisting the loops of chains is just too cool.

Watch (and listen to) the amazing video of the installation here.

View beautiful and minimal photographs of the installation here.